Regardless of your political and social beliefs, information literacy matters in the real world

This post isn’t about politics or social beliefs, even though it is set in a Congressional hearing.  And it’s not about a U.S. Senator who built his comedy reputation on poking at others with a, well, poker face.

It’s about information literacy. Or reading comprehension. Or the need to check your sources before going to press. It just happens to be set in a hotbed political issue: whether or not the Defense of Marriage Act should be repealed.

It appears that Focus on The Family used a 2010 Department of Health and Human Services study to support the organization’s belief that children of heterosexual parents do better than those in other family configurations.

But as Al Franken points out, FOTF took the information out of context.
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See this video:

Just goes to show … librarians aren’t just flying their liberal flag when they say that everybody deserves to learn about information literacy. It would have helped out this conservative group as well.

Via TPMMuckraker

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