Squishy Circuits

MM@Mitchell - Squishy Circuits

I’m a huge fan of Squishy Circuits (above) as an early-in-the-year middle-grade makerspace activity. The dough feels good in your hands, it’s cool when the LED bulb lights up, and it’s a way of keeping makers social and facing one another instead of pushing them directly into screen-based activities.

We like it so much we built activities around it at East Middle School in 2012, YCS Middle School in 2013, and Mitchell Elementary in 2013. (We made the challenge a bit less complex for the Mitchell kids, but otherwise, the playfulness stays the same as we explore parallel and series circuits without the safety hazards of soldering irons or the complexities of resistors.)
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Check out this cool video of a Squishy Circuits sculpture of co-founder AnnMarie Thomas!


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