Kinematic: 4D Modeling with Free App

Via Design Milk:


Kinematics from Nervous System on Vimeo.

The video above shows experiments using hinged units in various sizes and configurations that permit large items (like a dress — I can just hear my mother saying, “You need a slip”) to be printed in the small space of a 3D printer’s build plate. Looks like some of the more elaborate designs are available for purchase only, but I can’t wait for the end of the term so I have a few more minutes to play with the free app to modify a bracelet.

As someone who comes to making from (among other things) a lifelong background in sewing and costuming, I’m very interested in playing with 3D-printed jewelry designs as something some of our middle-grade makers would see as a personally-resonant reason for needing to 3D print (one can only print so many cute animal figurines). I’m very curious to know more about print time and whether or not this is a viable option for Michigan Makers.
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Kinematics web site

Kinematics browser-based “app” with free .stl download (bracelet design only)

Anybody tried this yet?

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