Present at the U-M 4T Virtual Conference!

The University of Michigan’s 4T Virtual Conference, a free conference supporting technology-rich teaching and learning for practitioners and U-M students, is accepting applications for lead and lightning talk presenters for its May 2014 online conference.

We’d love to have librarians, classroom teachers, specials teachers, administrators, and others involved, so please pass on this information to others who may be interested! Right now, we’re just looking for lead and lightning presenters, but general registration will open soon, so stay tuned!

Lead presenters are new to the 4T conference this year. Instead of paying out-of-state presenters to keynote our conference on rich learning through technology, we’re investing that money in supporting and developing homegrown talent. Lead presenters must be able to attend face-to-face training in Ann Arbor. Candidates will be chosen by application and will participate in a series of face-to-face and virtual PD sessions on developing skills for leading online professional development activities, culminating in a featured webinar during the conference. Lead presenters receive a $600 stipend and continuing education credits. The deadline for submission is January 15.   Visit this site to learn more and submit an application.

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Lightning talk presenters will present a 15-20 minute quick presentation online. If your presentation is selected, we will match you up with other presenters. There is no stipend or continuing education credit given to lightning talk presenters. The deadline for submission is February 20.  Learn more and submit your proposal here.

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