MAKERS AS INNOVATORS book series earns Top 10 Series Nonfiction nod from Booklist

Book Covers from Cherry Lake Publishing's Makers as Innovators Series -

Hooray! Booklist has named Cherry Lake Publishing’s Makers as Innovators series on its Top 10 Series Nonfiction list. From Booklist‘s April 1 issue, page 74:

Makers as Innovators (Cherry Lake)

Gr. 4-7. Here’s a series many librarians need as much as their readers. Digging into such newfangled topics as maker faires (sic), 3-D printing, and digital badges, the volumes in this cutting-edge series communicate a level of energy that elevates the challenging material into need-to-know-right-now stuff.

It is so much fun to identify titles and authors for this series, act as series editor, and see their enthusiasm and energy leap off the page. And we have more titles coming. On the Fall 2014 list, we’re adding four new titles:

  • Web Design with HTML 5 (Colleen Van Lent)
  • 3D Modeling (Theo Zizka)
  • Squishy Circuits (Kristin Fontichiaro and AnnMarie Thomas)
  • Soldering (David Erik Nielsen)

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