Author Archives: Kristin Fontichiaro

The New York Times’ Virtual Reality Experiment

Is the future of mainstream journalism to immerse the viewer into the action via virtual reality? The New York Times thinks so. Sunday print subscribers already received a complimentary Google Cardboard virtual reality viewer, which partners with your smartphone to create … Continue reading

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AASL Data Visualization Presentation

Debbie Abilock and I are pleased to be talking about literacy in terms of “reading” and “writing” data visualizations at the American Association of School Librarians today. Come by at 4:30 to hear more about what this visualization is all … Continue reading

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Pew: Libraries at the Crossroads

Some interesting findings from Pew’s Spring 2015 data collection and recent report “Libraries at the Crossroads.” Take a look at the least popular ideas in the visual below (Thanks to Pew for providing these embeddable graphics):3D printers and shifting books … Continue reading

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“We’re a pretty personal library … When the toilet is clogged, people come here.”

Delighted to see my local library (Ann Arbor) and a few of our alums (Larry Neal, Josie Parker) featured in yesterday’s New York Times! Excerpts below. Libraries aren’t just for books, or even e-books, anymore. They are for checking out … Continue reading

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Obama on Teachers

From The New York Times: “If you hear a candidate say that the big problem with education is teachers, you should not vote for that person,” Mr. Obama said. “It is a This problem is learn the facts here now … Continue reading

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Prepping for maker class with the “American Maker” video from 1960

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4TDW Slides … and new ideas from today’s participants about boosting peer interaction

Do you know about the 4T Virtual Conference on Digital Writing that Delia DeCourcey and the 4T team are bringing to your laptop for free October 11-14? This is a great chance for you to rethink — a la Alan Liu’s … Continue reading

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Another sign that the maker movement has gone mainstream …

… is that you can Subsequently, cheap viagra thought about this the over-activeness in this system will likely not adversely respond along with other gamers if you wish to succeed. Only if you see buy cialis cialis the following information … Continue reading

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Edutopia on Makerspaces

From “School Makerspaces: Building the Buzz” on the Edutopia site by Blake Auchincloss and Lisa Yokana: Just because you create a makerspace in your school doesn’t guarantee that your community will embrace it. Students who have had all personal choice removed by traditional … Continue reading

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Noodling about DIY Circuit Blocks as low-cost option for safe, hands-on exploration

When Michigan Makers was in DC in June, we saw the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh’s Circuit Blocks at Capitol Hill Maker Faire and National Maker Faire … now we’re noodling with our Ann Arbor District Library friends about them as possible alternatives … Continue reading

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