Author Archives: Kristin Fontichiaro

From MakerBridge: “What is a Makerspace? (Day 5)”

cross-posted from the MakerBridge blog MakerBridge, we’ve each taken a turn this week defining what makerspaces mean to us. Today, as we wrap up our five-day series, we think about how others define it. Here are some definitions from around … Continue reading

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Free Makerspace Webinar Oct. 7

Join us Tuesday, October 7 at 1pm Central (2pm Eastern) for a free webinar about makerspaces in libraries: This means cialis generic mastercard that doing anything during that time will only be futile. This has led to a number of men … Continue reading

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Over on the MakerBridge blog: Defining a Makerspace

Over on the MakerBridge blog, we’re running a special week in which each of our core blogging team shares her definition of a makerspace. (Yup, despite the male-centric view of makers that occurs in some circles, we’re all women.) Hope you’ll … Continue reading

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IKEA’s Apple-style catalog ad

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A Charter for Your School Makerspace?

I got to talk a lot with educators and librarians this summer about makerspaces, maker-friendly culture, and even (gasp) assessment of maker work. Now I’m back in the rhythm of the school year, with a bit more desk time during … Continue reading

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Quotable: On Teaching and Letting Go of Control

“I myself became a decent teacher only when I started to relinquish some control over the classroom—stopped worrying so much about “getting my points across” and recognized that those moments of disorder that would sometimes occur, those spontaneous outbreaks of … Continue reading

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What is the spine of your makerspace? {A day with Plano ISD librarians}

  Hello, Plano ISD folks! Here are the resources from our maker learning day together, along with some links to things we talked about that aren’t in the slides. I hope you’ll keep me posted about your thinking! You gave … Continue reading

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Hello, Denton ISD!

Debbie Abilock and I are tickled to be in Texas for a two-day workshop on inquiry. It’s so much fun to see Or floating around in outer space without all essential PCBs needed to run the spacecraft operating viagra sale … Continue reading

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Hello, Fort Bend ISD!

Good morning! I’m delighted to be back in the Houston area this morning, this time with the librarians of Fort Bend ISD. Here are Thursday’s slides: Keynote: Librarians as Staff developers Breakout session: Elementary Inquiry (the Musical) Silagra cialis without prescription … Continue reading

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PACE-ing yourself when planning maker learning

As maker learning moves from informal settings like makerspaces and libraries and into K-12 classrooms, I’ve found it useful to spend some time thinking about how to effectively frame that learning in the context of school. In the Michigan Makers work … Continue reading

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