Author Archives: Kristin Fontichiaro

What if Newspapers Were Rebranded?

The artisanal movement has helped rebrand traditional practices and products into must-haves. Check out today’s New York Times for its cheeky take on print newspapers gone retro. Love the idea of the “newsstand guy” being retitled as “contentista.”   Restart the Presses! … Continue reading

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New Guilty Pleasure: Bad Visualizations

After working on the book Creating and Understanding Infographics, I remain intrigued at how we teach students strategies for visualizing data. Sometimes, it’s hard to find really bad examples of poor visualization strategies. That’s why my new guilty pleasure is WTF Visualizations. … Continue reading

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The Sticky Wicket of Creativity

We spend a lot of time talking about wanting students to be more creative. This is a challenge. Most schools are, by nature, designed to accommodate large numbers of people. And that means that, despite our urges and desires to … Continue reading

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Documentation Over Experience?

Catching up on stuff saved in my RSS reader … From “The Documented Life,” a recent essay by MIT professor Sherry Turkle in the New York Times: I’ve been studying people and mobile technology for more than 15 years. Until recently, … Continue reading

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Hey, Grown-Ups: Teens and YAs Still Give Print the Edge

  The Guardian summarizes a survey done by Voxburner on the reading preferences of over 1400 16 – 24 year-olds. According to the survey, conducted earlier this fall, 62% prefer print books over eBooks. Says Liz Bury, author of the brief Guardian article: … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas!

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Moo Cards Makes Holiday Tunes

Hop over to Moo Card’s Festive Funk Machine to make roboterrific holiday music on this Penegra online is said to be the best possible suggestion as it serves as an effective progressive resistance device, this helps tone, tight and strengthen … Continue reading

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“If everyone wrote like they were still in college”

Our term has come to an end, and it’s nice to have today’s lull between classes and the holidays. Which makes now a perfect time for you to hop over to College Humor’s “If Everyone Wrote Like They Were Still … Continue reading

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Free public domain holiday icons from The Noun Project

For those of you doing some last-minute holiday graphic design, check out this family of holiday icons from In purchasing here cialis online the same way, prostate gland is the largest male accessory sex gland, also belongs to one … Continue reading

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Changing the rhetoric from “I love libraries” to “Libraries love communities”

What should libraries and librarians be advocating for? It’s something I think about a lot with my collaborators. There’s such a trend right now for librarians to double as promoters not just of their libraries but of their own personas. … Continue reading

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