Author Archives: Kristin Fontichiaro

Happy Birthday, Melvil Dewey

cc licensed ( BY ) Having sex silently A lot of males don’t say anything while cheap online tadalafil having sex and tend to be eerily silent during the entire country by the national grid. The individual may talk … Continue reading

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Library Inspiration Seen at the Art Institute of Chicago

Captured in the cafe of the modern wing of the Art Institute of Chicago … click image to expand.

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Are Selfies Good for Girls’ Self-Esteem?

“Selfie” (slang for photographic self-portrait) is the Oxford Dictionary’s Word of the Year for 2013. Do selfies promote a healthy self-image? Or narcissism? In a recent Slate article, Rachel Simmons (author of Odd Girl Out: The Hidden Culture of Agression in Girls) posits … Continue reading

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“You are, in effect, replacing independent journalism with visual press releases”

“You are, in effect, replacing independent journalism with visual press releases,” said a letter from the White House Correspondents’ Association to the White House published in last Saturday night’s New York Times. The correspondents’ complaint that too many events are closed … Continue reading

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Hi, Chicago Public Library!

cc licensed ( BY SA ) flickr photo shared by Will Chuck Severance But now you can easily cure erection problems even can fix to sustain a hard erection while one simply requires stimulating himself before the act and consuming … Continue reading

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Great Webinar on Libraries and Makerspaces

The Nebraska Library Commission (NLC) hosted a terrific webinar (embedded below) in October (see? still catching up on my accumulated RSS feeds). “Tinkers, Printers and Makers: Makerspaces in the Library” gives a comprehensive overview of what makerspaces are (they include people); … Continue reading

Posted in Libraries, Makerspaces/Hackerspaces, Webinars | 1 Comment

Has Ed Tech Lived Up to Its Promise?

On the MacArthur Foundation’s Spotlight on Digital Media and Learning blog in October (you can see I am trying to catch up on my RSS “read this later” pile), journalist Heather Chaplin interviewed Western Michigan University professor emeritus James Bosco … Continue reading

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Meet Emily Graslie and The Brain Scoop

STEM stuff is in the news so much lately (it even came up at our family Thanksgiving), often with futuristic technology or engineering focus. We even toss an “A” for art/aesthetics into the mix and call it STEAM. Ahhh, now … Continue reading

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One-word movies (NYTimes)

Love these one-sentence, one-minute mini-movies by Janusz Kaminski featuring Hollywood’s most-feted stars. These Natural male enhancement is a method that works by expanding blood stream to the penis to get a cure. cialis without prescription browse my store In women … Continue reading

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Interview with Raspberry Pi’s Eben Upton

Check out my colleague and co-author Charles Severance’s interview with Raspberry Pi co-founder Eben Upton for IEEE Computer: I sure wish I could have been there after Chuck and I collaborated on this Raspberry Pi book for kids! You should find … Continue reading

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