Author Archives: Kristin Fontichiaro

Come See @drchuck and Me at the Chicago Public Library on Saturday!

My colleague and mentor Chuck Severance and I pop in and out of each others’ offices all the time. He’s a programming and learning prof; I focus on learning and libraries. We wrote a book for kids together. We did … Continue reading

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Big Data, Accountability, and Schools

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by Alberto G. From Valerie Strauss’s The Answer Sheet comes the blog post “Six principles for using data to hold people accountable” by guest bloggers and researchers Andy Hargreaves and Henry Braun. … Continue reading

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Jaron Lanier on Digital Passivity {a cautionary tale on tablets, privacy, agency}

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by Alan Cleaver Jaron Lanier writes (and I’ve bolded my favorite phrases): I fear that 2013 will be remembered as a tragic  and dark year in the digital universe … It was the … Continue reading

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Kinematic: 4D Modeling with Free App

Via Design Milk:   Kinematics from Nervous System on Vimeo. The video above shows experiments using hinged units in various sizes and configurations that permit large items (like a dress — I can just hear my mother saying, “You need … Continue reading

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Holiday Gifts for Maker Kids

Cross-posted from the MakerBridge blog … cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by Kenny Louie  Ah, ’tis the season for Black Friday, when shoppers invade big box stores looking for gifts. But what should you buy for the … Continue reading

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AASL 2013: Confronting the Data Dragon

cc licensed ( BY SA ) flickr photo shared by Ron Mader  Good morning, AASL! Debbie Abilock and I are presenting this morning on the Big Data movement and its opportunities and implications for librarians. You can download the slides … Continue reading

Posted in Big Data, Presentations, Research | 1 Comment

Quotable: Neil Gaiman on imagination and mistakes

From “The imagination – it’s a muscle,” [Neil Gaiman] told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Wednesday. “It’s a really important thing. If you want to build the future, if you want to create a literate generation, if you want to … Continue reading

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Maker Movement Manifesto, The Power of Crochet, and Makerspace as Project Runway

I’m reading The Maker Movement Manifesto by Mark Hatch, CEO of TechShop, to get more insight and ideas about how we can best leverage our two pop-up school-based makerspaces. (You can read the entire first chapter here.) Early in those first … Continue reading

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NYTimes on 3-D printing your dinner (when I can’t seem to print an octopus)

A few weeks ago, The New York Times ran an opinion essay about 3-D printing your dinner. “Dinner is Served,” by A.J. Jacobs, follows the author’s quest: I settled on the idea of creating a 3-D-printed meal. I’d make 3-D-printed plates, forks, … Continue reading

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Squishy Circuits

I’m a huge fan of Squishy Circuits (above) as an early-in-the-year middle-grade makerspace activity. The dough feels good in your hands, it’s cool when the LED bulb lights up, and it’s a way of keeping makers social and facing one … Continue reading

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