Author Archives: Kristin Fontichiaro

Howdy, Allen ISD!

“Falling Lone Star” by Bo Nash on Flickr. CC-BY-NC-SA. I’m tickled to be in Texas’ Allen Intermediate School District to talk about how we can raise the bar when it comes to digital pedagogy. Thus, the drug levitra prescription helps … Continue reading

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Ahem, I think 3D printing just went mainstream

I guess it’s official: 3D printing is big when devotes a section of its web site to it:   3D Printer & 3D Printer Filament: via kwout Cross-posted to the MakerBridge blog These men are at a greater … Continue reading

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NASA/Columbia Teacher Workshop: Climate Change

“Surface of the Sun” by Kevin Dooley on Flickr. CC-BY. Looking for some cool summer PD? Consider this! (Posted on behalf of Ryan Goble.) 2013 CLIMATE CHANGE IN THE CLASSROOM TEACHER WORKSHOP July 31 to August 1- ONLINE SESSIONS August 5-6 – SESSIONS at NASA … Continue reading

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Sharona’s Report from Ann Arbor Mini Maker Faire!

Did you make it to Ann Arbor Mini Maker Faire this weekend? This year’s event was in a new location — the Morris Lawrence Building of Washtenaw Community College. It put makers in closer proximity to one another and created … Continue reading

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Quotable: U-M in Huffington Post

“North Quadrangle Residential and Academic Complex (University of Michigan)” by Corey Seeman on Flickr. CC-BY-NC-SA.   “If you’re looking for a school that combines what could be called the traditional American college experience with cutting edge academics and one-of-a-kind opportunities, … Continue reading

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Tomorrow: Ann Arbor Mini Maker Faire

Posted in Arduino, Makerspaces/Hackerspaces, Raspberry Pi | Comments Off on Tomorrow: Ann Arbor Mini Maker Faire

Modern Leonardos

It is my honor to be presenting today at the Modern Leonardos: Libraries and Museums as Maker Labs conference at the Maxxi Foundation in Rome, sponsored by the U.S. Embassy in Rome and the American University in Rome. PowerPoint slides: … Continue reading

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Slides: Children’s Literature Council of Southern California

Good morning “library girls” and boys! (Aren’t you dying to know the back story on that photo? That’s what you get for doing a search for [pasadena library] in the snazzy new Digital Public Library of America portal! Frank P. … Continue reading

Posted in Common Core, Presentations | 1 Comment

Quotable: Standards and Supports

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by Sister72 “Parents want real supports for their students, not just more punishing standards and tests. For a child who is academically drowning, moving the shoreline further away is no way to … Continue reading

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Makerspaces in Fortune Magazine

Yesterday’s Fortune magazine had a thoughtful, helpful overview of makerspaces, the maker movement, and the culture of making. The authors, John Hagel and UMSI advisor John Seely Brown, articulate some important “beyond the tools” elements to makerspaces: The “maker movement” has … Continue reading

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