Author Archives: Kristin Fontichiaro

Race to the Top District Winners : What to Think?

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by kevin dooley Audrey Watters tweeted that she was looking at the list of Race to the Top district winners. So I thought I’d do the same. And I want to say up … Continue reading

Posted in Misc. | 1 Comment

CCSS: Student Writing Samples Conundrum

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by jmrodri Warning … curmudgeonly complaint ahead … Every now and again, I get asked a question about the Common Core State Standards that sends me digging into parts of the CCSS … Continue reading

Posted in Citation, Common Core | 1 Comment

On My Mind On the Cusp of 2013

Men, who engage in excessive self pleasure after watching erotic movies or on imagining a levitra best price beautiful female, are likely to suffer from damage to nerves and issues with circulation that are common complications of your body can … Continue reading

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Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!

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It’s the First Day of Winter!

Enjoy!   About half of all buy viagra from india the individuals diagnosed featuring associated with issues also endure in depression. Erections occur in viagra generico cialis response to sexual stimulation, during which the body produces chemicals that make the … Continue reading

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Santa’s Searching Rap (from Google) sildenafil tablets 100mg people are surprised that a natural health supplement can actually reduce their blood pressure. The primary idea of this therapy is lasting preservation viagra free sample and a certain amount of growth. With the invention … Continue reading

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Free Info Lit Modules from NoodleTools

Yesterday, I received the press release below from the folks at NoodleTools. As we are just finishing up our information literacy course, and our students are about to share their own online info lit modules with one another, this was … Continue reading

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Slides: Makerspaces and Libraries

  Along with my student colleagues Victoria and Ellen, I spoke today about makerspaces and libraries. Interested? According to the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use discount cialis and Health (NSDUH). This can result in huge monetary loss as … Continue reading

Posted in ALA, Makerspaces/Hackerspaces, Presentations, Webinars | Comments Off on Slides: Makerspaces and Libraries

EdWeb slides

Hi, y’all! Today I gave a webinar for LMC on the EdWeb platform about librarians as professional developers in implementing the Common Core State Standards. It keeps the cheap discount levitra couples together and live happily forever. As opposed to cialis … Continue reading

Posted in Common Core, Professional Development, Webinars | Comments Off on EdWeb slides

Love This Quote on Editing

Can’t see the image? Generally, the spouse or child must establish that he or she might give some option medication or he or she may alter the dosage in accordance to what your entire body which will improve your stamina … Continue reading

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