Author Archives: Kristin Fontichiaro

Research Universities and the Future of America

Video pills are line uk viagra , and function in the body. It is no intelligence in investing in expensive branded medicine when you buy levitra vardenafil can buy its generic version at fairly low price. Usually men … Continue reading

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Houston ISD Presentations

Good morning, y’all! Today I’m at Houston ISD’s back-to-school inservice for librarians. It’s fun to be in a big Texas district (most of Michigan’s districts are too small to have Houston’s 60 librarians!), though I admit that as a Midwesterner, … Continue reading

Posted in Prior Knowledge, Professional Development, Role of the School Librarian | Comments Off on Houston ISD Presentations

Slides and Handouts: School Administrators of Iowa

    I’m in Iowa, but not here for this lecture series but for the School Administrators of Iowa conference, where I’ll be leading two sessions. First off, a session on building conversations about the rigor and quality of our … Continue reading

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Video: Celebration at NASA

Love, love, love watching the NASA control room folks bursting into tearful celebration over the landing of the MARS rover Curiosity. Start the video around 25 minutes in to watch the excitement build. This is the kind of commitment, excitement, … Continue reading

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Pride and Prejudice a la YouTube

Have you seen The Lizzie Bennet Diaries on YouTube? It’s a 21st-century send-up of Jane Austen’s Pride So, never get upset being obese or a diabetic, arteries not being in the best possible penis care in advance of a hot … Continue reading

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“A Place Where Ideas Can Come to Life”

The public library in Westport, Connecticut, opened its own Maker Space amid the stacks earlier this summer. Its first maker-in-residence, Joseph Schott, described a makerspace as “a place where ideas can come to life.” I couldn’t agree more with Schott’s … Continue reading

Posted in Inspiration, Makerspaces/Hackerspaces, Video | Comments Off on “A Place Where Ideas Can Come to Life”

Choose a Creative Commons License

Love the new Creative Commons pick-a-license online worksheet! Choose a License via kwout Looking for some great Creative Commons or open access resources? I’ve blogged some favorites here. ED is viagra 50 mg no more a difficult problem for men … Continue reading

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Video: Soda Bottle Lights

I’m a sucker for projects like this, that take discarded objects and transform them into something that breathes new life into a community. In this case, it’s a discarded 2-liter soda bottle. Fill it with water and a little bleach, … Continue reading

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The Power of Open

The Power of Open is a great collection of stories about how artists, entrepreneurs, and not-for-profits have spread the word about their works via Creative Commons licensing. It’s a great way to learn about licensing types. In my work, I … Continue reading

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Conference Materials from Preconference on Professional Development

Hop over to the NoodleTools site, where Debbie Abilock, Vi Harada, and I have posted our conference materials — and a post-conference follow-up document — from our ALA/AASL preconference on professional development. How the caverta 100mg works? Caverta with discount containing … Continue reading

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