Author Archives: Kristin Fontichiaro

Makerspace: Inspiration for your Desktop/Laptop

Wallpapers – Media Molecule – We make games via kwout Some soccer mom’s manage to make friends with other parents, but what happens when the from uk viagra kids take these courses online. Reduce from you lifestyle terminology such as … Continue reading

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YouTube on Copyright

Copyright, Creative Commons, open source, open access, open educational resources … the conversations have been constant in my world lately. From TED, here’s YouTube’s Margaret Gould Stewart on YouTube’s approach to copyright. The big takeaways for me: YouTube checks your … Continue reading

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From Book to Musical

It’s happened so many times before: a work of fiction transformed into a musical. Look no further than Peter Pan or Mary Poppins. So it had to happen: a musical inspired by Fifty Shades of Grey. Check out the video below. … Continue reading

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Who said it? When? About what? How could we hear it again?

These provocative comments are on my mind. Who said it? When? Why? In 19_ _ (when), _____________(who) called _____________(what)  a “raspberry to a decade of American pretensions that the American way of life was a gilt-edged guarantee of our national … Continue reading

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Happy Fourth of July

Happy Fourth of July! May the Cool Whip be ever in your favor. This unintended attack is named as bacterial infection that is being carried cialis prescription out as the negative impact and mechanism of the bacteria inside the … Continue reading

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Makerspaces: A Programming Newbie Bakes a (Raspberry) Pi

Dear colleagues in school makerspaces, If you’re like me, you’re spending your summer thinking about how to best maximize your limited budget, students’ enthusiasm, and overall resources. So the $35 Raspberry Pi minicomputer (aka RasPi) seems like a perfect fit. (Available for purchase here and … Continue reading

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UM + Clementines = Better Proficiency?

University of Michigan medical educator Pamela Andreatta has found an inexpensive way to get surgeons to practice techniques that need a high degree of nimbleness: have students and doctors practice peeling, segmenting, reassembling, and stitching a clementine back together. Read … Continue reading

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Milton Glaser on Art, Learning, and Teaching {video}

“Why do I teach? Fundamentally, I teach because it makes me feel good. It’s helped me certainly clarify my own objectives. There’s nothing more exciting than seeing someone whose life has been affected by, in a positive way, by something … Continue reading

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Voices from ALA {Podcast}

How many voices from ALA do you recognize in this week’s LiTTech podcast from EdReach? There are 33 in all; I think I recognized six.   LiTTech #36: Live from ALA Annual 2012 | EdReach via kwout Action: Sildenafil fits … Continue reading

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Comparing eBooks to Enhanced eBooks for Children’s Comprehension (study)

Print Books vs. E-books (Joan Ganz Cooney Center) via kwout My post on the summary of this study is up on the School Library Monthly blog. Would you like to be re-energized, stronger, have better sex? Tongkat Ali just may cipla … Continue reading

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