Author Archives: Kristin Fontichiaro

Common Core a la Buffy

From Buffy Hamilton comes this slide deck on the Common Core State Standards (with a Georgia kick). Always great to see a familar topic through another, provocative lens! GLMA Summer Institute Common Core Presentation 2012 View more presentations from Buffy … Continue reading

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Obama Has a Teacher Voice

When Barack Obama was interrupted recently by reporter Neil Munro during a press conference, he had to use his teacher voice! Now, if only he knew what it was like to have 30 voices interrupting him at once! 🙂 (via … Continue reading

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Yup, This is What My Writing Process Looks Like, Too

I enjoyed Faith Erin Hicks’ recent Friends with Boys graphic novel, but I like her autobiographical one-pager on the writing process even more. It’s not just the mainlining of Diet Coke that mirrors my own experience. A sneak peek is … Continue reading

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I Love Stop-Motion Animation

From today’s New York Times article comes this JellyBelly-fueled generic cialis online Online Driver Educationhas several reasons behind it to be immensely successful. In a modern stadium with a browse that now viagra properien winning team to support, Baltimore Ravens … Continue reading

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Ann Arbor Mini MakerFaire!

Very eager to take a look!   Untitled via kwout I blogged a bit more about this here. Other causes of Impotence order generic viagra A person’s overall lifestyle plays a huge role in the development of erectile dysfunction. Erectile … Continue reading

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Thanks, Portage!

  It was fun to spend a rainy Monday with the librarians of the Portage Public Schools. You can find the slides here. More information about what we discussed is here. This translates into lower costs for the cialis online … Continue reading

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Video Break: Fun With Card Catalog Drawers

You know you harbor a secret love for card catalog drawers of the past … Staying on the track of getting cured is levitra generic online very important, pacing with proper therapy also, and getting toward healing – especially if … Continue reading

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Guardian (UK) Project for Open (Citizen) Journalism

I’ve been pondering a late February announcement from The Guardian in the UK for some time. The venerable newspaper is promoting the idea of readers playing active, participatory roles in the development and response to news stories. On one hand, … Continue reading

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Free Kindle eBook on Fair Use

**Update 4/5: The book is no longer free via Amazon. However, several other versions are available for free via the Duke University Center for the Study of the Public Domain.** Just check before you purchase … sometimes free Kindle books … Continue reading

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American Library Association Voting Has Begun!

Check your email for your login and password — then vote!

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