Author Archives: Kristin Fontichiaro

UMSI Students Featured on Hack Library School

I love my job. How could you not when I teach awesome folks like these, who put on their own unconference and then collaboratively write about it? You can find most of them in this book as well. Thanks for … Continue reading

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A Tale of Two eBook Vendors: Who Will Libraries Support?

The American Library Association is taking issue with Random House’s decision to set a far higher (sometimes double) price for its eBooks being sold to libraries. An excerpt from the Associated Press story in the Wall Street Journal: The American Library … Continue reading

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You Know You Wanna Print Your Own Library Checkout Cards and Pockets

From Love vs. Design come these owl-imprinted checkout cards and pockets: Owl Library Card via kwout There’s just something nostalgic about them that’s hard to shake, even though I can’t imagine any of us want to go back to pre-automated … Continue reading

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Spruce up your reference desk: Downton Abbey Paper Dolls

Season Two of Downton Abbey has come to a close, but that doesn’t mean the celebrations must end. Surely your reference desk could use some post-Valentine’s, post-President’s Day February decor in the form of DA paper dolls from Vulture … Print … Continue reading

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Moving from Googling a question to just typing keywords

A must-read for anyone who has ever seen someone Google a question like, “Did George Washington keep a diary?” instead of [george washington diary]: How to Choose the Right Words for Best Search Results | MindShift via kwout Apparently not-at-fault … Continue reading

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Booktype :: Make Free, Open Source eBooks

I want to try this … Booktype is a free, open source platform that produces beautiful, engaging books formatted for print, Amazon, iBooks and almost any ereader within minutes. Create books If you are in need, then look for the … Continue reading

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Proposals Now Open for the 4T Virtual Conference!

Please consider joining us as a presenter or attendee!   Call for Proposals | 4TVirtualCon via kwout Thus cipla cialis india it furnishes the men with a medical condition known as erectile dysfunction (ED). Mechanism of cialis levitra viagra … Continue reading

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New micro-chameleon discovered (for school libraries)

And it’s “cute as in cuticle!” Oh, the inquiry questions this could provoke in young kids! Pair it with Chameleon, Chameleon (Cowley & Bishop) to compare and contrast the sizes — especially the spread where Bishop’s chameleon’s tongue extends all the … Continue reading

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Happy Valentine’s Day (thanks to NPR)

Is there any better way for you to show someone how much you love them than with an official NPR Nina Totenberg valentine? NPR Valentines via kwout I didn’t think so. In addition, one must follow proper measures to ensure … Continue reading

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Sophie Blackall Etsy Video


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