Author Archives: Kristin Fontichiaro

John Williams on

Film composer and former Boston Pops conductor John Williams on composing with pencil and paper in lieu of computer: I find that at least for me pencil and paper introduces a process of working that’s as The prostrate wellbeing likewise … Continue reading

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What’s it really like where I work?

Here’s how Emily sees it: Click here for Hack Your Program: University of Michigan School of Information « Hack Library School via kwout Men should pay attention to these conditions because they overnight cialis tadalafil are too embarrassed to discuss … Continue reading

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How one journalist put his book on Amazon and BN

I’m currently seeing Smashwords as my leading choice for eBooks. For free, you can follow their explicit instructions for formatting your manuscript. A single upload, and Smashwords will transform your eBook into HTML, PDF, and a bunch of eReader formats. … Continue reading

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Love this

Creativity in Progress by creativedc on Flickr In reality, it is estimated that around one man in ten will experience low libido or recurring impotence at one time or other in their lives.Apart from treating the underlying causes and their … Continue reading

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Smashwords Guide Updated

When I experimented with, a site that will help you go from Word document all the way to ISBN-blessed manuscript for sale (or for free) on its site plus most major eBook vendors ( is coming soon), I found … Continue reading

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Our Family’s Neighborhood, 1974-2011

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Strategies for Increasing Classroom Buy-In

I’m really lucky. I rarely have a student with an entitlement attitude. But still, I find this advice from Inside Higher Ed to be helpful in thinking about creating engagement in the classroom:   Views: Antidote for Entitled ‘Customers’ – … Continue reading

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Bucketloads of cool fonts

I love fonts … and they’re a really easy way to start building a brand. When your work consistently features the same font, your work looks unified … and so does your library message. I’ve been stockpiling some free font … Continue reading

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Typographic portrait of Poe

Absinthe Typeface – Free Font on the Behance Network via kwout How to Use viagra sans prescription canada viagra may be taken by men who’re above 18 years of age and undergo from real erection problems. uk cialis sales Answering … Continue reading

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This week’s SYNC downloads

Ready for some new audio books? SYNC has two free downloads this week. Ashes, Ashes, by Jo Treggiari (dystopian) Rescue: Stories of Survival from Land and Sea, edited by Dorcas S. Miller (non-fiction). Often impotence issue in men is a … Continue reading

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