Category Archives: Makerspaces/Hackerspaces

Makerspaces in Fortune Magazine

Yesterday’s Fortune magazine had a thoughtful, helpful overview of makerspaces, the maker movement, and the culture of making. The authors, John Hagel and UMSI advisor John Seely Brown, articulate some important “beyond the tools” elements to makerspaces: The “maker movement” has … Continue reading

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Brian Kenney on Public Library Makerspaces

Milwaukee Makerspace at the 2011 Frolics Parade by plural on Flickr. CC-BY-SA. A few days ago, there was a great essay in Publisher’s Weekly by Brian Kenney about makerspaces in libraries. From the article: What’s radical about maker spaces in libraries? … Continue reading

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Michigan Makers Celebration Today!

(cross-posted from the Michigan Makers blog) It’s hard to believe that it’s April 17, and this is our last day with our U-M mentors. Some of them are getting ready to graduate, and all of them are preparing their final … Continue reading

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Save the Date: Ann Arbor Mini Maker Faire 6/8/2013

Posted in Arduino, Makerspaces/Hackerspaces, Raspberry Pi | Comments Off on Save the Date: Ann Arbor Mini Maker Faire 6/8/2013

Hello, MACUL!

Four of us from Michigan Makers are presenting at the MACUL conference today about our makerspace work. Stop by Room O2-38 from 2:30 – 3:30pm today! Can’t make it? Download the slides here! We also encourage you to read Rachel … Continue reading

Posted in Makerspaces/Hackerspaces, Presentations, Raspberry Pi, Video, YALSA | Comments Off on Hello, MACUL!

New post on Michigan Makers blog!

Check out the Michigan Makers blog for what we’ve been up to lately! Here’s a sneak Therefore, you can buy buy viagra kamagra effortlessly through a medical store. The tadalafil price and levitra are working directly with all the manufactures, … Continue reading

Posted in Makerspaces/Hackerspaces, Raspberry Pi, UM | Comments Off on New post on Michigan Makers blog!

Michigan Makers Featured in Web Edition of Young Adult Library Services!

Our Michigan Makers team is delighted that our UMSI alumna and fabulous partner Rachel Goldberg has an article on the Michigan Makers project in the web edition of Young Adult Library Services. From the article: First of all, in order to … Continue reading

Posted in Library School / iSchools, Makerspaces/Hackerspaces, UM, Video, YALSA | Comments Off on Michigan Makers Featured in Web Edition of Young Adult Library Services!

SXSW Booth Talks and a Sneak Peek at Fall 2013 Makers as Innovators Series

Last week was a whirlwind. I started the week in Austin, Texas, helping at the University of Michigan booth at South by Southwest (SXSW), came back to Ann Arbor for some badging conversations with out-of-town public library guests on Wednesday, … Continue reading

Posted in Arduino, Badges/Badging for Learning, Books, Makerspaces/Hackerspaces, Presentations, Raspberry Pi | Comments Off on SXSW Booth Talks and a Sneak Peek at Fall 2013 Makers as Innovators Series

MakerBridge: An Online Community

Congratulations to UMSI’s Sharona Ginsberg, who wrote up her MakerBridge online portal for makers, teachers, librarians, scout leaders, and informal learning coordinators (among others) for the YALSA blog recently. Help spread the word and encourage others interested in making to … Continue reading

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Happy Pi Day!

In honor of Pi Day*, here’s a sneak peek of a book for kids we’re working on, to be published by Cherry Lake Publishing on its Fall 2013 list: For severe cases, doctors order generic levitra suggest going in … Continue reading

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