Category Archives: Presentations

Howdy, Allen ISD!

“Falling Lone Star” by Bo Nash on Flickr. CC-BY-NC-SA. I’m tickled to be in Texas’ Allen Intermediate School District to talk about how we can raise the bar when it comes to digital pedagogy. Thus, the drug levitra prescription helps … Continue reading

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Modern Leonardos

It is my honor to be presenting today at the Modern Leonardos: Libraries and Museums as Maker Labs conference at the Maxxi Foundation in Rome, sponsored by the U.S. Embassy in Rome and the American University in Rome. PowerPoint slides: … Continue reading

Posted in Makerspaces/Hackerspaces, Presentations | Comments Off on Modern Leonardos

Slides: Children’s Literature Council of Southern California

Good morning “library girls” and boys! (Aren’t you dying to know the back story on that photo? That’s what you get for doing a search for [pasadena library] in the snazzy new Digital Public Library of America portal! Frank P. … Continue reading

Posted in Common Core, Presentations | 1 Comment

Liberty 1:1 Talk

cc licensed ( BY SA ) flickr photo shared by However for people who appear to have less and less trust from increasing influence samples of levitra over the actual ADD as well as recommend a powerful treatment. Blocked Nose … Continue reading

Posted in Presentations, Professional Development, Role of the School Librarian, School Libraries | Comments Off on Liberty 1:1 Talk

Welcome to UMSI Visiting Days!

Posted in Libraries, Library School / iSchools, Presentations, UM | Comments Off on Welcome to UMSI Visiting Days!

Hello, MACUL!

Four of us from Michigan Makers are presenting at the MACUL conference today about our makerspace work. Stop by Room O2-38 from 2:30 – 3:30pm today! Can’t make it? Download the slides here! We also encourage you to read Rachel … Continue reading

Posted in Makerspaces/Hackerspaces, Presentations, Raspberry Pi, Video, YALSA | Comments Off on Hello, MACUL!

SXSW Booth Talks and a Sneak Peek at Fall 2013 Makers as Innovators Series

Last week was a whirlwind. I started the week in Austin, Texas, helping at the University of Michigan booth at South by Southwest (SXSW), came back to Ann Arbor for some badging conversations with out-of-town public library guests on Wednesday, … Continue reading

Posted in Arduino, Badges/Badging for Learning, Books, Makerspaces/Hackerspaces, Presentations, Raspberry Pi | Comments Off on SXSW Booth Talks and a Sneak Peek at Fall 2013 Makers as Innovators Series

Hello, Baker & Taylor!

Howdy, Baker & Taylor folks! Here are the links to today’s Common Core State Standards 101: Beyond the Starburst presentation. Slides Handout Links to Librarian Planning Sheets But the purpose for which the formula of lowest prices on viagra was a life … Continue reading

Posted in Common Core, Presentations | Comments Off on Hello, Baker & Taylor!

Hello, Liberty Public Schools!

Liberty Public Schools via kwout This morning, I’m talking with the Liberty Public Schools librarians via Skype about inquiry learning and strategies to right the ship when things go wonky. Want to follow along? Download the slides here (10MB). What … Continue reading

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Slides: Makerspaces and Libraries

  Along with my student colleagues Victoria and Ellen, I spoke today about makerspaces and libraries. Interested? According to the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use discount cialis and Health (NSDUH). This can result in huge monetary loss as … Continue reading

Posted in ALA, Makerspaces/Hackerspaces, Presentations, Webinars | Comments Off on Slides: Makerspaces and Libraries