It’s About Time.

From the National Newspaper Association:

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Regardless of your political and social beliefs, information literacy matters in the real world

This post isn’t about politics or social beliefs, even though it is set in a Congressional hearing.  And it’s not about a U.S. Senator who built his comedy reputation on poking at others with a, well, poker face.

It’s about information literacy. Or reading comprehension. Or the need to check your sources before going to press. It just happens to be set in a hotbed political issue: whether or not the Defense of Marriage Act should be repealed.

It appears that Focus on The Family used a 2010 Department of Health and Human Services study to support the organization’s belief that children of heterosexual parents do better than those in other family configurations.

But as Al Franken points out, FOTF took the information out of context.
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See this video:

Just goes to show … librarians aren’t just flying their liberal flag when they say that everybody deserves to learn about information literacy. It would have helped out this conservative group as well.

Via TPMMuckraker

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Cathy Davidson on Peer Review for Digital Work

I enjoy reading the blog of Cathy Davidson. She pushes my thinking in ways I don’t always anticipate. In a recent blog post, she suggests some ways in which she and her students are already engaging in peer review (e.g., commenting on blogs) while sharing with them that peer review matters.

I like her ideas … and yet am simultaneously working on this eBook project where we will publish all voices (with the exception that works that throw flames, point fingers, or rake muck are not welcome). No formal peer review beyond that. And we did this purposely, because we felt that editorial or peer review might intimidate some from participating or — worse — make potential authors feel that there was a “right” answer.

So … when is peer review necessary in the digital world? And when is it OK to let it go?

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Link: A Crash Course in Digital Publishing

Here’s yet another take on self-publishing. This one begins by pointing out the long heritage of self-publishing, going right back to Ben Franklin publishing his own Poor Richard’s Almanac and continues by linking to lots of other resources on the self-publishing revolution.



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Mary deMuth on self-publishing an eBook

There are cheaper ways to do some of these steps — some self-publishing host sites will give you an ISBN for free, for example, and sites like Smashwords will give you the advice you need to format your title yourself — but this DeMuth’s journey is a quick, easy overview!



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New SYNC audiobook downloads available today!

'Home headphones' photo (c) 2006, Michael Hicks - license:

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eBook Project, Day 10 : Smashwords

Here’s another article we’ve consulted about digital publishing, this time using Smashwords, which is currently topping our list as the most comprehensive ePublishing option … enjoy!


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David Lankes to Contribute Foreword to Our School Libraries eBook!

Buffy and I are delighted to share this breaking news — Syracuse’s R. David Lankes will be contributing the foreword to We cialis canadian pharmacy only serve what is good for our customers. However, there are several foods, which act against ED naturally by balancing the stimulating male hormones, purchase levitra no prescription vascular function, and keeping a control on blood pressure, and diabetes (associated with heart disease) are vulnerable to heart disease, which is one of the major etiological factors of impotence. The cheapest levitra was examined and was analyzed by giant reputable drug companies and government authorities. Taking low dose pill may let you know whether you should or not take this drug, as it can kick up some hugely cialis tadalafil 5mg unpleasant side effects. our eBook! Thanks so much, Dr. Lankes, for finding time in your already jam-packed schedule for this Little Engine That Could project!

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eBook Project, Day 9 : Amazon CreateSpace

Last night, Buffy and I spent a whopping four hours talking about our eBook project. We’ve gotten some great submissions already, and we’re so pleased with all of the responses and support we have received. Thank you, everybody!

We’re making our lists and checking it twice when it comes to selecting a just-right publication platform for our eBook. We think we’ve found a great solution (we’ll let you know more about that later) that will facilitate making versions of the book that will work for all eReader platforms and for those reading online.

Now we’re moving onto thinking about print publication. In our submission guidelines, we’ve left the possibility open of whether or not we will also publish in print. We’re looking at a variety of options. We want the tool we select to have no start-up costs, let us upload a document formatted the way we want it to work, have fair purchase prices (we don’t want to profit ourselves, but we also don’t want to gouge anyone who would want a souvenir print copy).

One option that a colleague of mine has used is Amazon’s CreateSpace. You can read more about it in this article below.

In the meantime, please keep your submissions and ideas coming. We’re loving the trust and energy you’re putting into this project.

(PS – I’m loving my iPad’s Zite app, with categories for Kindle and Publishing, because it’s pointing me to a lot of stories about people’s self-publishing journeys.)


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eBook Project: Day 4

It’s sure been a whirlwind couple of days. On Tuesday, a project that’s been brewing in our heads for quite some time now launched. Buffy tweeted, blogged, Facebooked, Ninged, and generally blasted out the information about our project.

And boy, it’s been kind of awesome to see the response. Most people we contact say yes to our request to say a few words about the future of school libraries.

We had to think hard about what we wanted to get out of this project. To be sure, we wanted to do something that had a collective feel. Though we’d shoulder the bulk of the responsibility for shepherding the individual essays into a collected volume, chose the areas for discussion, and set the submission guidelines, we decided to take a democratic approach when it came to who was included in the volume.

One of the things that excites me most about eBooks is the possibility of shattering the restraints of size, word count, and length that print publications require. Too long or too short, and it won’t bind properly and/or has to charge a certain cost in order to recoup copyediting and printing costs. And so we agreed that if we were really committed to a participatory culture in our libraries and classrooms, we would take everyone who agreed to format their work according to our guidelines (which were mostly about making the essays ready-to-publish so we could minimize time spent on layout) as long as they didn’t point fingers, muckrake, or flame others.

This is, of course, extremely scary. It means that although we anticipate getting entries that will make our hearts sing and our pulses race, it means we could also get entries that reflect mindsets that we don’t agree with.

It reminds me of those political rallies where the stage is crammed with dignitaries and party leaders. Everybody is there to sing the same song and to agree. It’s tidy, and it’s politically necessary, but it’s not necessarily democratic.

Democracy is messy, isn’t it? And so we know, don’t we, that this will be a very different kind of book. It will be messy. Probably a bit chaotic. And yet, ultimately, we hope that it is the very cacophony that will make it compelling.

Just today, I heard from one librarian who is planning to write in free verse. And another voice from general education will join us. We have feelers out to a few publishers.

Come and join us — the conversation about the future of school libraries is too important for your voice to be missing.

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PS – I usually blog over at the SLM blog. Hop on over!

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