Tag Archives: Twitter

“Yes, We Can. But Should We?” on Making {Hmmm}

“Yes, We Can. But Should We? : The Unintended Consequences of the Maker Movement” gave me that kinda-love-it-kinda-don’t feeling. On one hand, it makes some important points about corporatization, materialism, the environment, and 3D printing. And on the other, it perseverates … Continue reading

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What if Newspapers Were Rebranded?

The artisanal movement has helped rebrand traditional practices and products into must-haves. Check out today’s New York Times for its cheeky take on print newspapers gone retro. Love the idea of the “newsstand guy” being retitled as “contentista.”   Restart the Presses! … Continue reading

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Documentation Over Experience?

Catching up on stuff saved in my RSS reader … From “The Documented Life,” a recent essay by MIT professor Sherry Turkle in the New York Times: I’ve been studying people and mobile technology for more than 15 years. Until recently, … Continue reading

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Edutopia: Funding a Makerspace

Figuring out what you need to start a makerspace — and how to pay for it — is a common question we’re fielding these days. In the Booklist webinar we gave last week (link to come when available), “What should we … Continue reading

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