Advice for Successful Kids’ Makerspaces from Toronto’s MakerKids

From the MAKE blog comes advice from MakerKids, Toronto’s kid-centered makerspace. Advice includes a lot of stuff we also do in Michigan Makers. They call it “The MakerKids Recipe:

  1. Dedicated Space – that signals that this site is outside the normal boundaries of their day.
  2. Real tools.
  3. Process Over Product.
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  5. Interest-Driven.
  6. Kids Teaching (aka peer guidance)
  7. Exhibition
  8. Community

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Inspiration: Sorting Your Programming by Dewey Number

Interview: Delaware Division of Libraries | UpNext: The IMLS Blog via kwout

I was fascinated by this map created for the Delaware Division of Libraries that appeared on the IMLS Blog UpNext. It sorts library programming by Dewey number. Would sorting programming in this way give us new insights about where our efforts are over- or undercommitted and help us better reach diverse patron interests? Or would it merely encourage us, as in the days of balanced collections, to do a little bit of everything at the expense of going deep in areas of interest?

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Hello, Booklist Webinar Participants!

Banner image announcing October 7 Booklist webinar about makerspaces

Today is Booklist’s Webinar “Beyond 3D Printing: Strategies for Makerspace Success.” Join us!
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You can download a copy of the slides here and a copy of the list of potential maker genres here.

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Reminder: Free Makerspace Webinar tomorrow at 2pm Eastern/1pm Central!

Banner image announcing October 7 Booklist webinar about makerspaces

Join us tomorrow at 1pm Central (2pm Eastern) for a free webinar about makerspaces in libraries:
The head houses the central control unit of our body which is the brain. viagra prescription In order cialis pills this process, the clitoris is properly engorged and the vagina is properly lubricated. This is the ingredient cheap levitra tablet that helps the man to hold the hard erection for time he is making love. Kamagra oral jelly is a simpler and improved version of kamagra tadalafil 20mg uk tabletsthe major ingredient still being the same.

When someone mentions “makerspace,” do you hear, “Buy a 3D printer?” While digital fabrication tools can be a robust part of a library makerspace, they’re not the only options. From lanyards to laser cutters and crochet to coding, all kinds of crafts and skills are welcome in makerspaces. In this free, hour-long webinar sponsored by Cherry Lake, Kristin Fontichiaro, clinical assistant professor at the University of Michigan School of Information, will discuss strategies to help create a maker culture in your library that welcomes and supports all patrons and their creations. Moderated by Booklist’s Books for Youth editorial director Gillian Engberg.

Register here, and if the webinar occurs during your school day, your registration will enable you to watch the archive of the live presentation.

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Food for Thought: Choosing a Topic

With my information literacy students, my pals at U-M Library, and my K-12 colleagues, I keep wondering about how to improve the process of winnowing a topic down to the just-right size. I like this version a lot from Just like the normal tadalafil professional cheap ll, levitra Once Daily is the only anti-impotence medication which is specially designed for long term use and can be taken daily. What is viagra without prescription Impotence of kamagra ?Impotence or erectile dysfunction is an erection disorder in males caused by loss or no erection at all due to the insufficiency of body stamina. All of the things that made e-mail so wonderful now seem to have conspired against it to a point were levitra prices a once wonderful cure is now looked upon as a curse. Erectile dysfunction is a daunting condition viagra price canada which depletes your sexual abilities and makes incapable of having sex with his partner, if anything goes wrong with his male organ. And as far as when you know you’re done? Being true to your cropped image and then running continually into bibliographies that list people you’ve already read.” target=”_blank”>Pegasus Librarian:

Two things that come up a lot are appropriate topic scope and how to know when you’re done researching. For the first I often use the analogy of a cropped photograph for a good topic: focused in on the important parts and only gesturing toward the rest of the things that you mentally know are part of the original scene but are cut out of the cropped image. We’ll also talk about how to combine related bodies of scholarship into your new, combined topic (students often aren’t very good at thinking about related research as useful to their new claims). And as far as when you know you’re done? Being true to your cropped image and then running continually into bibliographies that list people you’ve already read.


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Edutopia: Lovely Post about “Wonder shelves”-cum-Makerspace

From Rafranz Davis’s “Embracing Student Creativity with a Wonder Shelf” on Edutopia’s Maker Education blog:

A few years ago, the wonder shelves housed our classroom math manipulatives sorted into individual or group containers. I knew that I wanted our learning tools to be accessible as needed, but I also knew that I needed to keep them organized to save time. Using disposable food containers individualized by purpose or tool, I created a system for organizing tools that kids could explore during lessons, after lessons, and sometimes before or after school.

As I got to know my students, I began learning about their other interests outside of class. I found that many were dabbling in the creative arts, so I added quite a few things specific to those pursuits during the course of the year. Our shelves grew to hold art pads, sketchbooks, air-dry clay, molding tools, various markers, art pencils, beads, string, Legos, K’nex, and glue.

While this may sound a bit much for a high school algebra 1 or geometry class, it was amazing to see students use their downtime to explore their interests, create, and learn. On many occasions, I found them creating items specific to areas that we were studying, like making bracelets or necklaces that involved recursive or geometric sequences, and then challenging their peers to determine the equation. They created structures using Legos and K’nex to build us a geometric city where we explored concepts like taxicab geometry, angle pair relationships, and even measurement…

[W]e inherited a Lego Mindstorm kit and that opened up an entirely new world to students in the area of robotics. We had no idea how to actually program the robot, but the Mindstorm kit didn’t sit idle on the shelf. We learned together, and in the process, we developed meaningful relationships that enhanced our growth in and out of class…

As I talked about this space over the summer, many teachers asked how we did this with administrative holds on creativity outside of the curriculum. Simply put, my students and I had designed in-class learning that adhered to our goals. What kids did when they met those goals or on their own time was fair game, and this space gave room to the idea of learning beyond our standards.

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The wonder shelves also meant that my students, with a majority of them falling into more marginalized populations, were provided experiences that they would not have had in any other learning venue.

Love this pragmatic approach to fitting in creativity: have it waiting just offstage, ready to be put into use when a spare moment or two comes along.

Do you have a wonder shelf or something similar in your classroom? Please tell us about it.

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Makerspace Funding Ideas

Image of a chalkboard with the quote, "Please, sir, I want some more" from Dickens' Oliver Twist written on it

{cross-posted from the MakerBridge blog}

We received a Twitter request and a query during a recent presentation about funding for makerspaces. Here are some ideas:


Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) – This is the federal government’s funding agency for museums and libraries. New funding for libraries include STEM and Learning Spaces in Libraries. They have stated that they prefer to fund capacity-building (e.g., professional development, staff growth) over equipment, however.

MEEMIC Foundation Grants for educators – usually $500 – $1000 (they also link to other grant-funding ideas here) and – Can you create a great video pitch for why your community needs what you plan to purchase? And, perhaps, time it so you can publicize it in your next round of marketing materials? Can you set up a dedicated station in your library near the front door where people can pledge? Then this crowdfunding avenue might be right for you.

Donors Choose for educators – a crowdfunding site for teachers

Library Grants blog – posts links to available grants

TechSoup – A not-for-profit that connects other nonprofits, charities, foundations, or public libraries with “technology products and services, plus teh free learning resources you need to make informed technology decisions and investments.””

Local Organizations

Sometimes, if you partner with another organization, you can find a synergy that allows you to pool your resources. Maybe you have a great room full of tables, free parking, and time on Sunday evenings when the library is closed and the site is dormant. Maybe you can partner with an organization that has a supplies budget but nowhere to meet. Consider how you might work collaboratively with one of the groups below with existing resources or by partnering together on a grant.

Girl Scouts

Boy Scouts

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Local makerspaces and hackerspaces

Local hardware stores

Local robotics, quilting, sewing, knitting, crocheting, woodworking, pottery, or other arts and crafts groups

Local writers and illustrators groups

Chamber of Commerce

School district

Service organizations (Kiwanis, Lions Club, Knights of Columbus, etc.)

University programs and student groups

Retirees and/or independent living facilities

Local/regional economic development authorities

Local theatre groups who have money to buy supplies for productions but need volunteers to help make props, costumes, and sets

Large corporations or universities who regularly discard technology and other equipment (see Cory Doctorow’s post on Raincoast Books for inspiration)

Thanks to John Burke’s Makerspace Resources page for reminding us of some funding ideas!

– Kristin Fontichiaro

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Food for Thought: New Harris Poll on Libraries

From a new Harris Poll on libraries, some useful snippets for future use:

66% of American adults are either extremely (24%) or very (42%) satisfied with their public library. This number represents a seven percentage-point increase from the 59% of Americans who indicated the same in 2008. An additional two in ten (20%) are “somewhat” satisfied.

Yay, numbers are up!

These are some of the results of The Harris Poll® of 2,306 U.S. adults surveyed online between July 16 and 21, 2014.

Oh … data comes from an online survey. How might that influence the overall pool of available respondents when we consider issues of Internet access that persist in rural or low-income areas.

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Higher levels of education coincide with higher likelihood to have a library card. Adults who have completed a postgraduate degree are the most likely to have a library card (79%), followed by a near-tie between college graduates (67%) and those who have completed some college (66%). Americans who have a high school education or less are the least likely to have a library card (58%).

Consider that last sentence: 42% of Americans with a high school diploma or less have library cards. When I think about the real power of library makerspaces, I think about yes, how we can provide more and better services for existing patrons. But I also think about how makerspaces can bring in new skillsets and new patrons. If it’s still fair to equate levels of education to interest in readin’, writin’, and ‘rithmatic at least in general terms (and is it?) then we have to take a moment to ask ourselves how libraries can serve those who perhaps are less-entranced with books. Can makerspaces in libraries signal that more in the community should feel welcome? After all,

when asked how important it is that a child have one of his or her own, 89% of U.S. adults believe it is important, with 56% finding it to be very important.

What role does a library play in a community?

Nine in ten Americans (89%) feel it is important that a library be a valuable education resource, with the majority of adults specifying they feel this is very important (59%). Meanwhile, just over three-fourths of adults consider it existing as a pillar of the community to be important (77%). In addition, roughly seven in ten Americans agree that it is important for the library to be recognized as a community center (73%), a cultural center (70%), and a family destination (68%). Finally, 65% of American adults believe it is important that a library should exist as an entertainment resource.

These stats aren’t quite as compelling as the 2013 findings of the Pew poll, which put approval ratings more in the 90% range, but if 73% of Americans feel it should be a community center, then what does an ideal community center-based library look like?

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Food for Thought: Why do librarians so often equate purchases with “better” information?

From “Locating Infomation Literacy within Institutional Oppression” by Joshua Beatty on In The Library With The Lead Pipe, inspired by an outline by nina de jesus:

Information today is largely a commodity. We have an internet that continually walls off portions: newspaper subscriptions, digital versions of books, and especially scholarly publications. The portions that are free we tell students to look upon with suspicion. There are millions cialis uk of men who are dealing with such sexual disorders. Just be sure not to exceed the generic cialis RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance).Exercise is necessary. Before you buy your drug, check out if you have heart, liver, kidney and cardiovascular my review here cheapest levitra problems. The therapy reclaims the children’s bones, tissues, symmetry, coordination, purchase cheap levitra and joints, as well as intellectual and physical responses. Consider this: an encyclopedia exists on the internet, free to access, free for anyone to correct or to comment upon, and in many different languages. We view it with suspicion precisely because it is open and free.

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Hello, Mid-Michigan Library Cooperative!

Today I’m delighted to be giving a lunchtime talk at the Mid-Michigan Library Cooperative on maker culture in libraries.


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