Hello, ITIC at RISD!


ITIC Conference Book Cover - images from P21.org/4cs

ITIC Conference Book Cover – images from P21.org/4cs

Hi, y’all! I’m delighted to be back in Texas for the Richardson ISD’s second Instructional Technology Integration Conference. It’s a busy day, with a keynote and three concurrent sessions.  If you’d like to follow along, download the slides here! Each presentation is available as both a colorful, one-slide-per-page PDF (large file size, for longer download time) and as a 9-slides-per-page greyscale handout (small file size, shorter download time).

Keynote: Rigorous Learning with Technology
8:30 – 9:30 am
Slides (29 MB)| Handouts (5 MB)

Concurrent Session #1: Creativity Within Constraints
9:45 – 10:45 am
Slides (22 MB) | Handouts (3.5 MB)
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Concurrent Session #2: Badging for Learning
11:00am – 12:00 noon
Slides  (22 MB) | Handouts (3 MB)

Concurrent Session #3:
Hands‐on, Low‐Cost Strategies for Empowering the 4Cs in Students
1:00 – 2:00 pm
Slides (12MB)| Handouts (4 MB)

If I can answer any questions, please leave them here and check back for answers!

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